The third installment of the “Do My Programming” series is the Ev3 Programming Student Edition. This is the most up-to-date version of the book and comes with a bundled full-color guidebook. It is packed with helpful hints and tips for writing the best possible programs.
The main features of this eBook are the use of objects, methods, and closures in programming. The guide shows how to create concise yet complete program interfaces for both user and system use. It also gives detailed information on how to use the various object models and how to construct and use closures. There are also over fifty functions and class names that can be accessed throughout the program as well as access to programming libraries for quick functions and code abstraction. The book even includes sample project files for beginner programmers to use.
There are many ways to use the Ev3 Student Edition to increase both its usefulness and students’ understanding of the subject. Students can use the book to learn about object oriented programming and easy programming constructs. There are also sections on handling performance issues and dealing with error messages that indicate potential problem areas. The book has several sample projects and even has a quick start guide to get students started.
As part of the course, each student is required to write at least one program. This assignment is broken down into three basic parts: an example, documentation and testing. An example is a small program that will be used to demonstrate a topic, such as how to create a data base or customize an existing application. Documentation is additional information that describes the program and the steps necessary to use it. And finally, the test portion of the assignment is where the student will write one or more tests to check the accuracy of the examples and documentation.
The test consists of multiple-choice questions that test students on the application of the information learned in the modules. The modules cover the use of dates, times, currencies, and letters. The documentation is additional information that provides information on using the program, as well as the commands and options given to the user.
The coding assignments in the EV3 Programming Student Edition follow a typical AP exam style of formatting. The format consists of a set of objectives which include a discussion of key topics, a code listing, a reference page explaining topics covered, multiple choice questions to test the student’s additional hints understanding of the concepts and coding assignments which evaluate comprehension of both text and code. The final section is a detailed exam. Each section contains multiple-choice and writing sections and should be completed in order to complete the entire test. The final test has a multiple-choice section, then a coding section.
Although most of the course content is classroom based, some reading and reviewing are allowed outside of class as determined by the instructor. Instructors may choose to implement a peer review process as well. Students are encouraged to read study guides, participate in forum discussions, and to submit their assignments to the instructor via electronic mail.
In order to succeed in this course, students need to understand how to use the language, as well as to read and decode the coding charts. Students will also need to have a working knowledge of project planning and project management, and some level of computer literacy. There is no support provided for students who do not meet these requirements, however, most instructors offer help if needed. A full review of all assignments and all course requirements is provided along with course credit for successful completion of the course.